

A graduate student must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or better to continue to receive federal financial assistance.

研究生 students must successfully complete 67% of their 累积的尝试 credits. All attempted credits for each semester will be totaled and the required number to be successfully completed will be 67 percent of that total. 如果学生只注册了一个学期, the student will be expected to complete 67% percent of attempted hours for that semester.

速度: 研究生 students must successfully complete 67% percent of U of I credits attempted each term to maintain satisfactory progress toward a degree. 速度 is evaluated after each semester and is measured against the cumulative number of courses attempted. 鉴于此, many students will be required to complete an academic plan if the number of completed credits is insufficient for a student to meet the 67% pace rule. For example, see Summary table 3 as an illustration of the pace requirement:

Summary Table 3 – 研究生 Level-First Academic Year- Student Withdraws 秋天 学期

学期 秋天 春天
尝试信用 12 12
完成学分 0 12
完成率 0% 100%
累积的尝试 12 24
累计完成 0 12
完成率 0% 50%

第一年之后, this student has completed only 50% of the courses attempted and is placed on financial aid probation (suspension). To get back on pace to meet the 67% pace rule for U of I, this student would need an academic plan that followed the course load as outlined below to regain financial aid eligibility. 如你所见, if a student gets behind on the 67% pace rule, it can take more than a semester to get the total number of completed credits back up to the point where they regain good standing for the pace requirement of 67%. 见下表4.

Summary Table 4 - 研究生 Level Example 1 - Second Year

学期 秋天
尝试信用 12
完成学分 12
完成率 100%
累积的尝试 36
累计完成 24
完成率 67%(四舍五入)

*Student has regained satisfactory academic progress by completing 67% of 累积的尝试 courses.

如上所示, the minimum number of courses this student would have to attempt and pass for the next semester is 12 credits. If this student failed to complete 100% of the courses attempted after the initial suspension, then an additional term or terms would be needed to get back on pace and regain financial aid eligibility. 在这个场景中, the student would be required to submit an academic plan, detailing the number of courses needed each term to get back on pace for her/his degree. In addition to pace, the qualitative requirement of maintaining a minimum graduate GPA of 3.0也适用于此策略.

Successful completion is defined as receiving earned credit as defined by the U of I Academic Policy. 适用于接受联邦财政援助的学生, attempted credits will be defined as the number of credits enrolled for the census date for federal financial aid. For students not receiving federal financial aid, attempted credits will be defined as attempted hours recorded at the end of the semester in the Registrar’s system.

A graduate student in the master’s degree program (except M.Ed./M.S. 人类服务咨询, 美术硕士) requires an average of 36 credits for graduation (see chart below). 因此, students will be allowed to accumulate up to 150% of the 36 credits, 总共54个学分. Once a student accumulates 54 attempted credits, a student will be suspended from receiving further financial assistance. If a student is working on a second Master’s degree they will be allowed to attempt 81 credits (54 plus 27 credits).

Master's Degree (except 咨询, 人类服务 & 美术) 54个学分
咨询 & 人类服务 90个学分
MFA & 专家 90个学分
博士学位 117个学分

学生就读于M.Ed./M.S. 人类服务咨询, 美术硕士, and all specialist degree programs require 60 credits for graduation. Students in these programs will be allowed to attempt up to 150% of the 60 credits for a total of 90 attempted credits. Attempted credit hours are defined as the number of attempted credits in the Registrar’s system, 或者是获得的学分, 取较高者. If a student is attempting a second Master's or 专家 degree in these areas they will be allowed to attempt 135 credits (90 plus 45 credits).

All doctoral degree graduation requirements require a minimum of 78 credits. Students enrolled in doctoral degree programs will be allowed to attempt 150% of the 78 credits for a total of 117个学分. If a student is attempting a second doctoral degree in these areas they will be allowed to attempt 175 credits (117 plus 58 credits).



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MS 4291


