
豁免 & 搜索异常

批准豁免书, EEO must be convinced of the need to deny all other potential applicants the chance to be considered f或者是 position.  We begin by evaluating the extent to which each request meets one or more of the following approval criteria: 

A. Candidate is uniquely qualified (this requires detailed explanation); AND/OR

B. Recent failed search for this position demonstrates a lack of available qualified candidates (include posting number of failed search and brief narrative explaining what happened/why the search failed); AND/OR

C. Unit faces emergency circumstances that cannot be resolved effectively through other means (describe the emergency and any other methods/appointees you considered); AND/OR

D. 其他令人信服的情况(请提供细节), 背景信息, 另一个决定的后果, 等.).

如豁免书符合上述一项或多项标准, EEO may give additional positive consideration when one or more of these factors are present: Hire advances Affirmative Action goals (explain how)

A. 雇佣促进平权行动目标(解释如何)

B. 聘请支持双职业就业政策(描述情况), 提供已受雇的合伙人或配偶的姓名/部门/职位)

C. Hire allows continued employment of UI employee who would otherwise lose her/his position (describe circumstances)

D. Hire is needed to retain a valued employee (describe circumstances; does the person have an offer from another employer?)

E. Hire provides advancement opportunity for a current UI employee (describe circumstances)

当适当的详细信息附加到动作时, 平等就业机会委员会可以理解, 评估, 并及时批准/不批准你放弃搜查的请求. Having this information documented ensures that the institutional electronic record accurately reflects and supports the rationale f或者是 decision.

A call from EEO does not mean there’s something “wrong” with the request—it reflects the seriousness with which we approach these decisions.  批准豁免书, EEO must be convinced of the need to deny all others the opportunity to be considered f或者是 position.  Sometimes we need a broader understanding in order to make a decision about your request; rather than taking the time to send the 豁免 back for clarification or disapprove it altogether, 我们联系招聘官员寻求更多信息和/或讨论其他选择. 


  • Why not conduct a search or an accelerated search and invite this person (among others) to apply?
  • Who else in the unit might be interested in this opportunity; how do you know?
  • Who else did you consider f或者是 position, and why did you select this appointee over the other(s)?
  • Did you use an informal process to 评估 potential interest from others inside or outside UI?  如果是这样的话, describe that process in detail including copies of any materials you sent and a list of people or organizations who received them.  为其他未被选中的人员提供详细的筛选理由.  NOTE: This does not mean it’s okay to conduct an “accelerated search” or a “targeted and focused search” without advance EEO approval!
  • Is there some reason why this opportunity would be unlikely to generate much interest (short duration, 低FTE, 等.)?


  • you are not certain whether or not the circumstances will allow a non-competitive hire to be considered, or
  • 情况很复杂,或者
  • the rationale does not clearly fit one or more of the 豁免 criteria described above, or
  • 时机至关重要.

The action still needs a detailed letter of justification describing your rationale:

  • If you have an email from EEO saying “this email can serve in lieu of a letter of justification,你也不需要写信(除非情况发生了变化)。.  记住要包括完整的电子邮件交流,而不仅仅是平等就业机会办公室的批准. 
  • 如果你没有一封来自平等就业机会办公室的电子邮件来代替信件,附上上述的证明信, 并补充说你已经得到了平等就业机会办公室的口头批准.

平等就业机会批准意味着, 你是否获得了填补该职位所需的所有其他批准, 你可不经公开查册而聘用拟聘用的人.  这并不意味着你已经获得了其他大学的批准, 比如资金, 排名, 任期内, 工资, 职位描述, 或者offer letter.

员工发展总监 & 劳动力多元化




一个搜索 豁免 is a request to seat someone directly into a position without a search process at all. 搜查豁免是针对人的. 一个搜索 异常 is a request to change one or all of the requirements for conducting a search. 一个搜索 异常 处理过程.


An 异常 to search may be made when requesting that a search be open only to University of Idaho employees, 当要求的投寄期短于所需的投寄时间时, or when requesting less than the required amount of advertising for a position.


Equal employment and Affirmative Action principles dictate that each and every employment opening for certain federal contractors be filled with an open and competitive search based on best practices for recruitment and hiring. There must be a good reason for shortening a search or reducing advertising and recruiting efforts, which may have the effect of excluding protected classes of people who are not appropriately represented at the University of Idaho.



搜索例外应在豁免标签的张贴中请求, 在搜索例外字段中. 

  • 你想要什么例外,
  • 您为什么要求例外,以及
  • 搜索异常对你的部门/单位有什么影响.


  • 根据我们的平权行动计划,可能的内部候选人. How likely is it that an internal hire will help us reach our affirmative action goals?
  • Advertising guidelines – how is the applicant pool likely to be affected if we deviate from the minimum advertising requirements?
  • 这是初级职位吗? We are more reluctant to grant a search 异常 for an entry level position as those positions are not usually opportunities for advancement within the University.
  • 这一例外是否有助于推进平权行动的目标?





电子邮件: tnuhn@nmcjbook.com


电子邮件: ekeim@nmcjbook.com