


莫斯科,ID 83843

875周界博士., MS 3020



电子邮件: osp@nmcjbook.com

网络: OSP的网站



The last few weeks of a grant period are an important time in the life cycle of an award. 必须审查费用是否允许, 最后应计费用必须公布, any deficits must be cleared and a number of reports must be filed.


The total amount of funds spent on an award must typically be reported to the sponsor within 30-90 days after the award has ended. 资助期即将结束时, the 赞助项目办公室 (OSP) begins communicating with the principal investigator (PI) and the departmental grant administrator (DGA) to ensure timely and accurate closeout of the award. 

  • Reports are sent to the DGA listserv monthly (请求添加到这里) regarding awards terminating in 30, 60 and 90 days. The notices include guidance on appropriate steps to take in preparation for the end of project or any requested time extensions.
  • a termination notice is sent to DGAs upon the expiration of an award;
  • DGAs work with the PI and the OSP Financial Unit to ensure all allowable expenses have posted and any unallowable expense or deficits have been removed; and
  • a notice of PI/departmental responsibilities is sent out after an award has been fully closed.


All expenses being used as cost share must fall within the award beginning and ending dates, and all documentation of cost share must be provided to OSP 在期末报告截止日期之前 (一般为30至90天).


Once the budget is settled to the department's satisfaction, OSP将提交最终财务报告, which is typically due 30 (nonfederal) to 90 (federal) days after the close of the grant. This reporting tells the sponsor exactly how much money was spent on the award and commits the university to releasing any unused funding back to the sponsoring agency or, 如果资金已提前收到, 寄钱给赞助商. External auditors look carefully at a sample of final financial reports each year, 检查每一个的准确性和及时性. Since this is a criterion used to “grade” the university on its grants management, it is important that final expenditures (see above) be provided to OSP well before the deadline. The final financial report will be filed by OSP within the award deadlines.

Final technical, subject inventions and property reports

大多数保荐人都要求 最终技术报告, which is to be filed within 90 days of the end date of the grant, 或更早, 如果奖励条款中有这样的规定. The particular format required by the sponsor is usually set forth in the terms and conditions of the award. Submission of the 最终技术报告 is the responsibility of the PI and should be retained in the departmental files until records retention deadlines have passed (three years after termination, unless additional time is specified in the award terms).

In addition to a 最终技术报告, many federal sponsors also require a 最终专利或发明报告. The form will typically ask for a list of any patentable or protectable discoveries that came out of the work conducted under the grant. These forms are submitted to the sponsor by OSP after consultation with the PI and with the 技术转让办公室(OTT).

Certain sponsors, including BEA/INL, DOE, NASA and USDA-ARS, also require a 最终财产/设备报告. 在某些情况下, the equipment or property acquired with project funds vests with the sponsor, and a determination must be made as to the disposition of these items upon completion of the work. OSP will work with the PI to complete any required reports and with the PI and sponsor to request a determination for the final disposition of any items belonging to the sponsoring agency.


Once a budget is inactivated, Banner will reject any transaction posted to it. OSP will not completely inactivate a budget until all of the following criteria have been satisfied:

  • The account has expired, and no further expenditures are pending
  • All reports (financial, technical, patent, property and cost-sharing) have been filed
  • The final expenditures reported to the sponsor matches total expenditures posted to Banner
  • 尾款已收到

Until a budget has been inactivated, it will continue to roll into future fiscal years.



莫斯科,ID 83843

875周界博士., MS 3020



电子邮件: osp@nmcjbook.com

网络: OSP的网站
